The Purpose of this website
There is no doubt that diabetes is a life limiting disease. A stark fact that can sometimes be hard to take. We at DiaMetrics UK understand this only too well.
But it does not have to be that way. It is possible to live a normal, diabetic complication free life, if you are prepared to take control of the condition rather than letting it control you.
By monitoring and managing diabetes, you can defeat the debilitating complications that arise as a result of this chronic disease. The nature of diabetes leads to lethargy, depression, mood swings and ultimately disability in one form or another. This makes it even harder for some sufferers to overcome and drive themselves to a better standard of life.
This situation is very familiar to us at DiaMetrics UK, and it is the very reason we decided to build this website. We genuinely believe that, if you can overcome the sedated tendencies that this disease brings, you can live a healthy complication free life.
How? By managing your condition correctly. This includes light exercise, moderate eating plans and most importantly, monitoring your condition daily. Now this may sound life changing but, it requires just twenty minutes of light exercise each day and a further ten to twenty minutes spread throughout the day filling in a logbook. Keeping track of your condition is vital to enable you to understand how your body is reacting to medication, exercise regimes, food intake, and other things like stress, mood swings and general health.
By logging such information, you are able to get a better understanding of how your body is reacting to changes and more importantly, adjusting your lifestyle and/or medication to counter negative changes. Of course, if everything is going well and your readings are normal then something is clearly going right. you are now able to check your logbook and get an explanation for why recent changes you have made to your lifestyle or medication have had such a positive impact and can now implement those changes on a regular basis.
You may be thinking, ‘but I have an app for logging my diabetic readings’! We fully support the idea of using an app and wholeheartedly recommend them as a supplementary tool but, an app is a programme full of data and though the data is important and your doctor will be able to make use of it, all it provides is readings. A logbook on the other hand is a tangible item which you have total control over, an app cannot put readings into any context with lifestyle and emotions and overall wellbeing. A logbook can do this for you. Remember, this is a chronic (whole life) disease and though an app has its place, it cannot give you the whole picture like a logbook can.
Even if you do not want to buy a logbook from us, please, please consider getting one for yourself or your loved one from another source. Taking control is the only way to tackle the long-term debilitation of this disease.
We wish you good health and happiness always.
The DiaMetrics UK Team.