About us
The DiaMetrics UK website was developed for diabetics, prediabetics and anybody wishing to live a healthier life. Our primary products are inexpensive logbooks designed to help you monitor and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
The logbooks encourage you to put a management regime in place which includes diet, exercise, and healthy living choices. You are not expected to starve yourself or exercise to within an inch of your life, just follow sensible routines and do everything in moderation.
FACT. Diabetics do not have to follow any kind of limiting or specialist diet. You can eat what everybody else is eating, just moderate your portion size, that is all. Diabetes is a cruel disease, but it isn't that cruel. So don't let anybody tell you what you can and cannot eat.
As long as you watch the size of your meal and remember to do some light exercise, you can eat pretty well what you want. Though seriously, sugar content should always be at the forefront of your mind. One place where sugar content can go almost unnoticed is in drinks. Try your best to always buy sugar free drinks and if you really can't bear tea or coffee without sugar, limit the amount you drink each week or use sweeteners.
Type 2 diabetics are mostly seen once a year for a check-up whilst Type 1 (or Type 2 if they are insulin users) will see the diabetic team every three to six months. This is about time and resources both of which your local practice will have little to spare. But these check-ups are just that, a review to see how you are doing with the condition and for advice going forward. Unless of course, something is obviously wrong, in which case you will be referred to your doctor.
In the main, you are expected to monitor and control the disease yourself. This is so important. By just sitting back and doing nothing until your next appointment is the deadliest thing that you can do.
We are always here to offer advice and support. You can contact us by email any time and if we can't help you, we will certainly put you in touch with somebody who is able to. Everybody involved in the development of our website either is, or cares for a loved one who has diabetes. We are a mix of
type 1 and type 2 sufferers with a combined sixty-five years of experience dealing with the condition.
Don't ever worry about contacting us.