Diametrics UK

VAT Exemption Form

Did you know, diabetics can purchase certain items without paying VAT.
Just hand a printed and filled out copy of this pdf to the retailer/supplier
to purchase the product with no VAT added. Should the retailer/supplier be
unaware of this revenues policy, ask them to call the number listed on the pdf.

So what is exempt from VAT?

check with your doctor or diabetic team first, you may find a lot of
items you need are actually free to diabetics. But, if it is not free then it is
Anything related to diabetes really, with the exception of glucose tablets and
any other products that give a fast glucose hit. This is because such items are
not considered for diabetic/disability use only as athletes can and do use them.
If, as a diabetic you need the use of a walking aid or wheelchair, this would
be covered by the exemption because it is a disability caused by your diabetes.
It really is just a matter of common sense.

Unfortunately, prediabetics are not entitled to free prescriptions or VAT free
products But this does not mean you should not get blood/glucose levels
checked on a regular basis.


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